Contact Us

   IF YOU HAVE A MAINTENANCE EMERGENCY, such as a fire, flood or other urgent maintenance item that requires immediate attention, please call (248) 650-8983 extension 119 to reach our on-call emergency staff.    

Office Address

411 Woodward Avenue
Rochester, Michigan 48307

Phone: (248) 650-8983

   If you would like to find out more about how we can help manage your property, please contact us at the numbers provided below, or by email.    
Main Office(248) 650-8983Send email
Vanessa PageReceptionist(248) 650-8983Send email
Amber SrokaBookkeeping(248) 650-8983Send email
Laura AdamsOffice Manager(248) 650-8983Send email
David OttProperty Manager(248) 453-5798Send email
Douglas MooresProperty Manager(248) 841-1027Send email
Darrin McDonaldSenior Property Manager(248) 710-3990Send email
Edward OlandSenior Property Manager(248) 923-2673Send email
Eric MazureSenior Property Manager(248) 453-5794Send email
Devlin CareyOperations Manager(248) 710-3054Send email
Jason CareySales/Accounting(248) 650-8983Send email